"Alien Ambassador Wall Doll"

<---Shake hands with The Ambassador to see a detail of this artwork.

29"x9"x3 1/2"
Acrylic, sculpey, doll and toy parts, chair leg, cloth, decanter stopper, jewelry, etc.

Living a close as I do to the famous and the unbelievable Integratron, in an area that hosts Giant Rock Spacecraft Conventions, I thought I should have someone to welcome any unearthly visitors...

This is a display figure made to hang on the wall. A lot of the fun is identifying the disparate elements used in the creation of a work of assemblage. This one has a bottle stopper, chair leg, jewelry, cloth, dow rods, doll hands and a hand made fimo face! If you like this one, check out other sci-fi art toys on this web site.

For information on purchase,
please contact the artist:


© Rik Verlin Livingston