Zono Art SF/Fantasy Portfolios Links:
Fine Art with a SF/Fantasy Twist (MyFantasyArt Portfolio )
A Few Fun SF/Fantasy Illustrations (Elfwood Portfolio)
Traditional SF/Science Fiction Illustrations (Epilouge Portfolio)
And now a few words from "Major Multiverse, the Mutant from Meta 4"
(You might need your Star Fleet issue Universal Translator or Babel Fish.
He has a "robotic accent...")
E@RTHL1NG$! M@j0r Mu1tiver$e here!
1 w@s ro¢keted 2 E@rth when I w@$ @ bitty b@by &
r@i$ed by
r0bot$ wh0 sp0ke 0n1y 1n #s
But $t@r $tuff w@$ n my $0u1...
@1ong w/ my friend$, Buk R0¢ket$ & ¢aptain B1a$t0ff,
1 m@n the Mysti© M00n B@se 0b$erv@t0ry
1n th@t 100ny, 1un@r 1@nd
th@t gr@ces the ether
@b0ve the Terr@ F@tum of Z0N0 pr0per!