Read right-on, On-line comikz for FREE!
That's right, "True Receiver," you don't gotta pay to
read our fasinatin' funnies like you do over at "Marbel.com!"
Over in the Spider-Part of the web it's $4.99 per month with an
Annual Subscription (billed as one payment of $59.88). THAT'S
BUX, BABY! We need a superhero to go stop dem crooks!
Here at Z.A.P! COMIKZ we
give ya' a bunch'a good readin' FOR NADA! Of course,
if you then decide to buy some hard copies, outta sheer gratitude,
well, we won't complain.. |

Fantastic, freakin'
Fun-Fonts for FFFRRREEE!
And this ain't just another bunch'a slightly
altered Helvetica hooey. The Dingbats are as dingy
as any bat out there. The Creature Caps cap all
other...uh, capless creatures! And then there's the strange ZONO
Planet Clip Art and some good Comikz Fonts for makin' yer own comikz or just writing comikal looking shopping
lists, love letters or legal documents!

Longer ago than I want to remember, Joel
Sanderson, who now cooks like a Grafikz Julia Child in
the Demolition Kitchen (host of this very web site),
made these wonderfully tasty Poetry/Art Booklets.
(Sorta' like small "Snack Books.") Now you can savor their
blend of design and verse and you don't even have to leave a tip! |